Pass the interview: Prepare winning answers

Top 10 interview questions and how to answer them

One of the best ways to prepare for a job interview is to think ahead to answer frequently asked questions. These are the top 10 questions you will hear from any recruiter. Read, customize, and the job is in your pocket.

1. Tell me about yourself

This is often the first question a candidate is asked. It's important to talk about your career path here. Do not dwell on your family life, it will not benefit the company.

Focus on your professional skills as well as your education and training. This is what you should emphasize above all else.

You don't have to present your thoughts in chronological order. You can visualize yourself in blocks of skills: these are what the recruiter pays attention to first.

2. What do you know about our company and our competitors?

This question is necessary to show the level of your motivation. It is important to know everything about the company and the sector in which it operates in general beforehand.

You can't say you are motivated if you don't know anything about the company you want to get a job with. Don't hesitate to go online and scrutinize the company's website and its social media.

Pay attention to the company's structure and its current projects. This is an interesting topic to discuss during the interview.

Ideally, you can even meet the employees, they will give you even more detailed information. Feel free to talk about everything you have done to prepare for the interview.

3. What do you know about the job?

You will have to analyze the job offer in detail. Underline the points that seem most important to you. You can even take a piece of paper with you to the interview. This will show the recruiter that you have done your homework before the interview. Always emphasize:

  •  The activities described;
  •  Key skills needed for the job.

By talking to the recruiter about the company and the job, you will be taking a big step toward success.

4. What are your strengths?

Prepare well for this question. It is found in 80% of job interviews. Review the qualities that are listed in the job posting and customize them to fit you.

Most valued are:

  •  Ability to work in a team;
  •  Hard work;
  •  Willingness to learn.

List only those strengths that are specific to you. Do not make up an image of yourself, it will not help.

5. What are your weaknesses?

The same goes for this question. It is likely to be asked during the interview.

You don't need to be completely sincere here, or you may lose all your chances, but you shouldn't lie either. Talk about two categories of disadvantages:

  •  Those that the recruiter already knows about;
  •  Those that are completely irrelevant to the job being offered.

The goal is to only talk about the things on your resume that won't be an obstacle to the job.

For example, you can talk about:

  •  Your age;
  •  Lack of experience;
  •  Lack of necessary training;
  •  The fact that you lack a skill that is not necessary for the job.

You answer the question in a way that does not reflect on your candidacy. When you mention one of your shortcomings, be sure to make it clear that you are looking for ways to improve yourself professionally.

6. Why are you interested in this job?

To answer this question, take another close look at the job offer and the company. Then you will definitely have something to share. For example:

  •  This job has meaning, significance to you;
  •  You are already familiar with this job and want to develop your career;
  •  You are interested in the company itself: career opportunities, personnel policy, etc.

When answering this question, don't forget to develop your arguments and use a dynamic tone.

7. What can you bring to our company?

The answer to this question will depend on your personal situation. You should rely on experience and excellent job knowledge as well as soft skills.

You may look for motivation, hard work or management skills. Think through your answer well, this is where you can show the difference between yourself and other candidates. Don't be modest, but don't overdo it either.

8. What professional achievement are you most proud of?

Don't worry if you haven't invented something revolutionary.

You can talk about:

  •  The completion of a project;
  •  Your role in conflict resolution;
  •  Reorganizing a department;
  •  Creating a website.

The key is to explain where you started and how you achieved something you are proud of. Be as specific as possible. This will make your story more interesting to recruiters.

9. Why did you leave your last job?

First of all, you should not denigrate your former employer. Anyone who criticizes his former employer will one day criticize his current employer as well.
Say that you want to develop your career and you are motivated by the position.

Make it clear that you want to move somewhere else, not leave another job. This way the motivation will be positive, and that's always better than wanting to leave a place you don't feel comfortable in.

10. How do you deal with stress and tight deadlines?

Always start by seeing stress as a positive thing that allows you to push yourself to the max. The same goes for tight deadlines: they always encourage you to focus on what's important and avoid unnecessary things.

To illustrate your point, prepare one or two examples that can demonstrate your behavior in such situations.


Preparing answers to questions in advance is a good strategy to get through an interview. However, it's important to remember that nothing replaces real motivation, so take the time to research the position and the company before sending your resume.



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