
How to properly develop a career plan?

Career Plan: What is it and how to develop it?

Nowadays, more and more employees and managers in companies are coming to consciously develop future careers, which leads to thriving businesses. In t...

cal-icon 24.07.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

Workspace at Home: How to Organise?

6 tips for organising and improving your home office

Nowadays, more and more people are working from home, and it's important to have a workspace that allows you to work comfortably. In this article, you...

cal-icon 22.07.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

Top 7 professions in the entertainment industry

Entertainment Industry: Top 7 interesting professions

Are you passionate about music, performing arts or an entertainment related profession? If you want to enter this industry, it is important to remembe...

cal-icon 15.07.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

The Best Time Management Tools of 2024

Top 9 apps for effective time management

If you need to organize the work of a large team in one place, these apps are for you. We've gathered 9 of the most popular services for effective tim...

cal-icon 08.07.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

How to cope with burnout without harming yourself

What to do about burnout: Practical tips

Unfortunately it often happens that after a long absence of rest people often burn out, today we will tell you what to do to get out of this state....

cal-icon 01.07.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

How to manage time on remote work?

What to do if deadlines are burning all the time? The truth about telecommuting

Working remotely has many advantages, but the inability to manage time and schedule properly can override all of them, so it is important to understan...

cal-icon 25.06.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

The most important thing about a good resume

How to write a good resume?

Writing a professional resume requires literacy and concentration as it can play a key role in whether you get hired, so today we're going to talk abo...

cal-icon 24.06.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

Small Business: What you need to know to start one?

What do you need to know to start a small business?

Small businesses are often not taken seriously, but in reality, they too are energy-consuming and require certain skills and knowledge to succeed....

cal-icon 21.06.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

Remote Work: Top 10 Companies Hiring Remote Workers in 2024

The 10 companies hiring remote workers in 2024

If you're tired of working in an office and in search of remote work, we've found you a list of 10 companies that are actively looking for employees....

cal-icon 17.06.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

18 steps to take after losing a job

Job loss: 18 steps on how to get back on track

Losing a job is difficult and often seems like there is no hope and no way out, but don't be discouraged. We've put together a guide for you on how to...

cal-icon 11.06.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

Digital marketing top job of 2024

How to become an independent digital marketer in 2024

Let's say you love creating new things, experiencing new adventures and working on multiple projects at the same time. Then it's time for you to think...

cal-icon 04.06.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

History of freelancing: Origins and development

History of freelancing, how it was born, developed and what it is now

Many people know about freelancing, but what is its history from what it began. Let's look at this question from different sides starting from the gen...

cal-icon 31.05.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

Understanding Workplace Rights in the US

Workplace Rights: U.S. Specifics

Every country has its own rules and quirks regarding workers' rights, so it's important to get into the context of each country and today let's talk a...

cal-icon 28.05.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

Best Sites for Freelance Animation Jobs: Make your place in the niche

5 sites for freelance animator jobs: Best types of animation work

Freelance animator jobs allow talented artists to share their creativity and get paid for their labor without having to work full-time at a studio....

cal-icon 21.05.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1

Freelance Architect: Top Platforms for Your Career Development

Top 7 platforms for freelance architects

Being a freelance architect is a dream job, but where can you find platforms on which to make yourself known and find clients? We have gathered a sele...

cal-icon 14.05.2024

author-icon Krystian Sobczyk

star-icon 4.1


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