MBA distance learning

MBA distance learning

MBA is an advanced course of study for middle and senior managers and business owners. Today, the program is also available in a distance format.

Features of distance learning

Master of Business Administration - Master of Business Administration degree, recognized worldwide. Studying in the program gives graduates such advantages as a quick climb up the career ladder and increase their value in the labor market. When hiring for a position, employers prioritize candidates with a Master of Business Administration degree. In addition, the salaries of such specialists increase significantly within the first two years after completing the course.

You can master the course in business schools, where the program is presented. However, this format is not suitable for everyone. First, most students are practicing professionals who are not ready to sacrifice their careers in favor of their studies. Secondly, the cost of full-time programs in some cases reaches one million for the entire period.

It is for these reasons that today more and more students prefer the distance format of studying a program. Distance learning allows you to combine your main job and the study of educational materials.


Commonly used term Online MBA is nothing but distance learning (e-learning) on the Internet, until, at least, business schools can not technically provide high-quality interactive online classes. This is expensive and requires a business school to have large financial resources and technological capabilities.

Therefore, for now, most business schools offer as online MBA a set of courses, video-recorded courses and quizzes. In this combination, it is hard to call it a full-fledged MBA.

In its pure form, distance learning at MBAs is considered to be unproductive; blended learning, i.e., supplementing face-to-face classes with distance learning, which includes independent study of theoretical disciplines, is much more effective. The common notion of Online MBA is nothing but e-learning over the Internet, until, at least, business schools can technically provide high-quality interactive online classes. This is expensive and requires a business school to have large financial resources and technological capabilities.

Therefore, for now, most business schools offer as online MBA a set of courses, video-recorded courses and quizzes. In this combination, it is hard to call it a full-fledged MBA.

In its pure form, distance learning at MBAs is considered unproductive; blended learning, i.e., supplementing face-to-face classes with distance learning, which includes independent study of theoretical disciplines, is much more effective.

Advantages of distance learning at MBA

  • you can independently choose the time of training

  • colleagues at work and current urgent tasks do not distract from learning, but if learning at home

  • it is more convenient to study additional materials or dwell on difficult points

  • it is possible to immerse more in the topic

  • it is possible to divide the training into convenient parts, it is assumed that the trainee is assigned a tutor-teacher, who in the mode of correspondence by e-mail (Skype, ZOOM, etc.) explains the material not understood.

  • persons with little (or no) experience are in a more comfortable environment, as there is no need to communicate face-to-face in the environment of professionals.

  • the cost of training on such a program is much lower because you can save on travel and living expenses.

Disadvantages of distance learning at MBA

  • the main one: it is impossible to use the main advantage of regular face-to-face training in an MBA group - joint learning and creative generation of new knowledge, as there are no face-to-face meetings.

  • a learner needs to have will, determination and good organization (you need to properly allocate your time to study the material and perform tests and homework.

  • The amount of communication with classmates and the teacher is much less than in face-to-face courses. There are many cases when communication with the teacher is realized formally: the listener receives only marks, with minimal comments.



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