Glassdoor is the platform for finding your dream job

Glassdoor: employee reviews are the key to success in the job market

Glassdoor is one of the world's leading job search portals. The company offers job seekers more detailed information about jobs and the companies that offer them, based on the opinions and ratings of those who know them best - the employees. This information is added to the results of available offers, offering the user a more complete picture to make a decision. With this innovative approach, Glassdoor already has nearly 55 million unique monthly users and is available in markets around the world. The company aims to meet the growing demand for information and provide job seekers with a more personalized experience.

Glassdoor is firmly committed to one goal: to help users find jobs and companies they like. To do this, they have free and incredibly powerful tools at their fingertips - the Glassdoor website and app. With these, you can find out what kind of experience employees at a particular company have before accepting a new position or starting the hiring process.

Glassdoor gives you access to over 180 million reviews, salary ratings, and other content so you can get a much better idea of your dream job. No other job search platform aggregates results with such an in-depth and comprehensive level of information about jobs and companies.

Users can also customize search results based on desired job title, location, distance, business sector, company size, company rating, and other factors. They can set up alerts and notifications to be able to apply for new jobs as soon as they become available.

How does Glassdoor work?

Glassdoor works on a give-to-get model, meaning that users get free access to all the information on the platform after they submit a few reviews or their salary information. This model avoids an overabundance of extremely positive or negative reviews and encourages more neutral and balanced reviews.

"We believe that by combining job search results with company opinions and evaluations, salary data and other key aspects of employment, we contribute to a more efficient and satisfying search and hiring process. Because a better informed job seeker leads to more engagement and stronger working relationships," says John Lamphier, Vice President and General Manager of Glassdoor EMEA. "We at Glassdoor are committed to reaching a wide audience."

Glassdoor has become a highly influential platform among job seekers and employers, and nearly four in five ( 79 %) Glassdoor users say they are more likely to apply for a job if the company offering the job is also actively using Glassdoor (e.g., by responding to reviews, updating their profile, or communicating about company culture and work environment). Notably, companies that hire through Glassdoor have a 30 % higher retention rate.




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