Expert's tips for getting your business out of the crisis

How to get your business out of the crisis

You are welcomed by an expert in crisis management with a wealth of experience. In my practice, I have seen how crises can destroy even the most successful companies. But I have also seen how companies that took action in time were able to survive and even thrive in difficult times. I will take you step-by-step through what you need to do to save your business in a crisis.

Step 1. Crisis Diagnostics

The first step to overcoming a crisis is to understand the state of your business and what factors caused it. To do this, you need to diagnose the crisis, which includes the following aspects:

  • Analysis of financial indicators: revenue, profit, cash flow, debt load, liquidity, profitability, etc.
  • Analysis of market situation: demand, supply, competition, pricing, segmentation, positioning, etc.
  • Analysis of internal processes: production, logistics, marketing, sales, HR management, quality, etc.
  • Analysis of external environment: political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors affecting the business.

Crisis diagnostics allows you to determine its type, degree, causes and consequences. There are different crisis classifications, but one of the most common divides them into three types:

  • Strategic crisis - associated with the wrong choice or implementation of a business development strategy, loss of competitiveness, obsolescence of a product or service, decreased demand or changing customer needs.
  • Tactical crisis - associated with errors in managing resources, processes, personnel, finances, marketing, sales, etc., which lead to reduced efficiency and quality of business operations.
  • Solvency crisis - associated with the inability to timely and fully fulfill financial obligations to creditors, suppliers, tax authorities, etc., which threatens the liquidation or bankruptcy of a business.

The degree of crisis can vary from mild to severe, depending on how much it affects key business metrics and how long it lasts. The causes of the crisis can be external or internal, and the consequences can be financial, market, organizational, social, etc.

Step 2. Development of an Anti-Crisis Strategy

The second step towards overcoming a crisis is to develop an anti-crisis strategy that defines goals, objectives, resources, methods and timing to overcome the crisis. An anti-crisis strategy should be:

  1. Realistic - take into account the real state of affairs in the business and environment, as well as the capabilities and limitations for change.
  2. Flexible - provide alternative courses of action depending on situation developments and the possibility of adjustment during implementation.
  3. Effective - ensure the achievement of goals with minimal costs and maximum results.

An anti-crisis strategy may include different areas of action, depending on the type, degree, causes and consequences of the crisis. Some of the most common areas of crisis management according to our expert::

  • Cost optimization - reducing costs for production, logistics, administration, marketing, sales, etc., without compromising product/service quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Debt restructuring - negotiations with creditors, suppliers, tax authorities, etc. to restructure debts, reduce interest rates, defer payments, write off part of the debt, etc.
  • Business restructuring - changing the organizational structure, business processes, product/service portfolio, target market segments, pricing policy, etc. to improve efficiency and competitiveness.
  • Attracting investment - finding and attracting additional sources of financing such as bank loans, leasing, factoring, venture capital, grants, etc. to support or develop the business.
  • Developing innovation - introducing new technologies, products or services that meet changing customer needs, create added value and differentiation from competitors.
  • Developing partnerships - establishing and developing mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers, distributors, agents, consultants, media, etc. that can help expand the market, reduce risks, enhance reputation, etc.

Step 3. Implementation of the Anti-Crisis Strategy

Implementing an anti-crisis strategy requires not only developing an action plan, but also executing it effectively. For this you need to ensure:

  • Staff motivation and engagement - employees are a key business resource, so they need to be informed about the situation, goals and objectives of crisis management, involved in decision making, incentivized to implement the plan and maintain morale.
  • Monitoring and adjustment - constantly monitor the implementation of the anti-crisis strategy, compare actual results with planned, analyze deviations and causes, make necessary changes to the plan and adjust actions according to the changing situation.
  • Communication and reputation - it is important to maintain contact with external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, creditors, partners, media, etc., inform them about the situation, plans and results of crisis management, strengthen trust and loyalty, shape a positive image and reputation of the business.

Business retention during the crisis

Step 4. Overcoming the Crisis and Transitioning to Growth

The fourth step in overcoming a crisis is overcoming the crisis itself and transitioning the business to growth. To do this, you need to:

  • Evaluate the results of crisis management - analyze the achievement of goals, completion of objectives, use of resources, methods and timing of crisis management, identify strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures, lessons learned and conclusions.
  • Formulate a new business growth strategy - based on evaluating the results of crisis management, as well as analyzing the current state of the business and environment, define new goals, objectives, resources, methods and timing for business growth, taking into account opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses, customer needs and expectations.
  • Implement the new business growth strategy - develop and execute an action plan to implement the new business growth strategy, ensure staff motivation and engagement, monitoring and adjustment, communication and reputation, as well as continuous learning and innovation.


I have always said, "A crisis is not an end, it is a new beginning." As an expert in crisis management, many times I have faced storms that can cause significant damage to a business. But every time you stand in the face of a crisis, you learn that what matters is not what lesson you learned from the past, but how you use that lesson for the future.

In every situation, look for the positives and opportunities for growth. Crisis is not a sentence, but a challenge that toughens you and makes you stronger. The main thing is to be flexible, creative and result-oriented. I am sure that by following these tips, you will overcome the difficulties and bring your business to a new level. Good luck!



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