How to make a successful career change? A practical guide for those considering a career change

Career Transition: A Guide to Changing Jobs

A career change is a move into a new professional field for a variety of reasons, such as wanting to find a job that matches your aspirations or needing to change jobs after losing one. The process can be challenging, requiring you to step out of your comfort zone, but it can also open up new career prospects. Changing careers requires thought, preparation and action to breathe new life into your career. Before you begin, it is important to get to know yourself better and understand your true motivations.

Identifying your motivations for a career change

The first step in making a career change is to understand the reasons that motivate you. Reflecting on your motivations will help clarify exactly what you are looking for in a new career. Perhaps you are seeking a better work-life balance, want to find a job that is more in line with your personal values, or want to escape a stressful work environment.

Identifying your ‘why’ is essential to staying motivated throughout the career change process. Having a clear understanding of your motivations will allow you to approach the change with confidence and make the right choices. To better understand your true desires, ask yourself a few key questions:

  •   What motivates you to get up in the morning;
  •   What is the main reason that motivates you to put your best foot forward;
  •   What makes you unique in the eyes of others and in your own;

  Finding your ‘why’ will help you find fulfilment in your new career and become more successful and confident in your choices.

Refine your new career transition project

Determine exactly what you want to do when you decide to change careers. This could be changing industries, starting your own business, consulting or temporary project management. Once you have identified your main goal, make a specific career plan.

A good plan should match your interests, skills and be realistic for your situation. Make sure it includes clear, measurable goals and consistent actions. It is important to surround yourself with support and resources to help you succeed.

To clarify your career change project, follow these steps:

  1. Assess your skills: Identify your current strengths and weaknesses and assess what you need to develop for your new career.
  2. Explore opportunities: Learn about industries that interest you, talk to professionals and attend industry events.
  3. Set goals: Set short-and long-term goals, making sure they are specific and achievable.
  4. Make a plan: Identify the steps to achieve your goals, the resources needed and set deadlines.
  5. Utilise resources: Refer to online learning, support networks and read career change resources.

Networking when changing careers

When changing careers, networking is one of the biggest factors for success. A trusted network opens doors, provides advice and helps you navigate your new career. Here's how to become an expert networker during a career transition:

  • Develop and maintain a network: Identify key contacts and keep in touch with former colleagues;
  • Use social media: Optimise your LinkedIn profile and join groups for professional development;
  • Reach out to professionals: Schedule informal meetings and show interest in the expertise of professionals;
  • Participate in support networks: Join professional associations and support groups to share experiences;
  • Add value to your network: Share knowledge and thank those who help you by offering help in return;
  • Become an expert at networking: Create strong connections and use every interaction to grow in your new career;

Preparing for a career change

Transitioning to a new career requires careful preparation and a strategic approach. Not only is it important to review and update your CV, but it is also important to actively develop an online presence and prepare for interviews. The following steps will help you make this process as efficient as possible:

  • Optimise your CV: Emphasise transferable skills, tailor your CV to each vacancy and add a ‘Summary’ section summarising your transition;
  • Write a cover letter: Explain your approach to your career change, emphasise your achievements and show the added value to the company;
  • Develop an online presence: Update your social media profiles, share content about your new career and participate in professional groups;
  • Prepare for the interview: Develop a brief career change speech, anticipate recruiters' questions and demonstrate enthusiasm;
  • Get references: Ask for references from former colleagues and use them on your LinkedIn profile to build credibility.

Effective interview preparation

Effective interview preparation is a critical step in the transition to a new career. It's an opportunity to convince recruiters of your transition and demonstrate that you are the ideal candidate for the position. Learn about the company and analyse the job advert to match your answers to the requirements.

Clearly and concisely explain your reasons for the career change and emphasise your transferable skills and successes. Prepare case studies using the STAR method to demonstrate relevant skills and achievements. Express your motivation and enthusiasm and share your development plan for your new career.

Ask questions that demonstrate your interest in the company and clarify expectations of the candidate. Practice relaxation techniques to manage stress and be prepared for unexpected questions. By following these steps, you will be able to successfully prepare and impress in an interview.

Prepare to leave your current position

Before you fully embark on a transition to a new job, you need to prepare and negotiate your departure from your current position. A properly organised transition can provide you with the financial and emotional stability you need to succeed in your new project. Here's how to handle this challenging phase.

Plan your departure in advance, anticipate discussions and choose the right time to announce your departure. Prepare your arguments, explain your reasons for changing careers and propose a transition plan. Maintain good professional relationships by communicating respectfully and expressing gratitude to your employer.


A career change is a difficult but important step for personal and professional growth. Careful planning, preparation and support will help you successfully transition into your new field. Believe in your strengths and move towards your career goals.



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