Managing in a crisis. How to become stronger?

Business management in a crisis

Crisis management has its own distinctive features, as it is characterised by uncertainty and lack of certain stability. The crisis itself is characterised by a multitude of interrelated situations, in which the complexity and risks in management increase significantly. At the same time, under the anti-crisis management itself is meant a number of special measures aimed at preventing various situations that can destroy the activities of the organisation. For this purpose all kinds of strategic management tools are used, as well as all kinds of resources of the enterprise itself, which will contribute to the preservation of the company's activities and prevention of its possible bankruptcy.

In solving the issue it is necessary to develop a clear strategy: to attract personnel who will be able to work effectively in the rapidly changing conditions of the transition economy, competently use the experience of other companies in management, to improve their own management system.

The cause of any crisis in the economy is a significant gap between the production of goods and its consumption. And the essence lies in the overproduction of goods in relation to aggregate demand.

Anti-crisis management can be conditionally divided into four groups:

  • The first option involves identifying the problem at the earliest stage, long before the crisis itself. It is necessary to identify its root causes, to know their nature. Moreover, the strategy of the crisis situation should already be thought out in advance, so that it was not completely unexpected.

  • The second group includes the whole complex of financial and economic problems that need to be solved.

  • The third group implies differentiation of management technologies, including problems of crisis forecasting and economic behaviour in these conditions, search for the necessary information and development of optimal management decisions. Here it is also necessary to consider and develop innovative strategies that contribute to overcoming the crisis.

  • The fourth group includes personnel management, with its specific features.


Personnel management is the management of joint activities of people, which includes many issues.

Any management itself should be to a certain extent anti-crisis, because any risks can bring significant problems.

Working in a crisis requires special, specialised knowledge, experience, and skills from managers. It is important to realise that it is possible to manage crisis processes up to certain scales, the main thing is to track negative issues in time. And only really competent management will help to get out of the crisis with minimal consequences.

Specialists need to have flexibility, tolerance to circumstances, confidence, and enthusiasm. They should be able to rationally redistribute resources, strive for their most efficient use. In the aggregate, a certain style of management should be formed, which will be characterised by motivated activity, high professionalism, readiness to work in a team, the ability to integrate decisions.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the so-called human factor, which shows the effectiveness of management. In any team, there are both leaders and those who pull things down. A manager should have good assistants whom he fully trusts and can rely on in case of any problems.

Now there is even such a profession as “crisis manager”. Such an employee must have all the necessary competences in the market economy: be able to analyse the activities of the enterprise, identify its weaknesses and strengths, competently develop a strategy to get out of the crisis with minimal losses for all. It is worth mentioning his/her personal qualities: healthy ambition, competence, purposefulness, ability to work in a team.

A very important factor in crisis management is the ability to track crisis situations, which allows you to plan actions for the possible onset of a crisis and to eliminate its consequences in time.

It is worth understanding that not all crises can be prevented, some of them you just need to survive, wait out the situation. This is possible only with effective management, which is able to solve the problems of the organisation, finding a decent way out and minimising the consequences.

In its development, any organisation sooner or later faces a crisis or its various stages. And only competent tactics of effective managers contribute to getting out of it with the least losses.



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