How to find new markets and partners for your business in a crisis: ways to analyse your needs

How to find new markets and partners?

A crisis can negatively affect a business, limiting its opportunities for growth and development. In such conditions, it is important to look for new markets and partners that will help the company overcome difficulties and reach a new level.

Needs analysis

The first step to finding new markets and partners is to analyze the needs of customers and potential partners. This will help you understand what products or services are in demand at the moment, and in what directions you can develop.

When analyzing needs, you can use the following methods:

  • Surveys and interviews with clients. This allows you to get feedback from real users and understand their needs and expectations.
  • Collecting data about competitors. This will help you understand what products and services other companies offer and how they meet customer needs.
  • Analysis of market trends and tendencies. This will help determine what products and services will be in demand in the future.

Analysis of competitive advantages

Once you have identified customer needs, you need to analyze your competitive advantages. This will help you understand what your company is better at than others and what markets and partners you can conquer.

When analyzing competitive advantages, you can use the following methods:

  • Comparison with competitors in terms of assortment, quality, price, service conditions and other factors.
  • Analysis of the company's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Assessment of the company's development potential.

Analysis of target audiences

Once you have analyzed your needs and competitive advantages, you need to identify your target audiences. This will help you focus on those markets and partners that are most promising for your business.

When analyzing target audiences, you can use the following methods:

  • Market segmentation. This allows you to divide the market into groups of consumers with similar needs and interests.
  • Identification of the needs and behavior of target audiences.
  • Development of marketing strategies for each target audience.

Ways to find new markets and partners

Once you have analyzed the needs, competitive advantages and target audiences, you can begin to search for new markets and partners.

Here are some methods you can use:

  • Participation in exhibitions and conferences. This is a great way to meet potential clients and partners from different industries.
  • Working with marketing agencies. They will help you conduct market research and find potential clients and partners.
  • Use of online platforms. The Internet opens up wide opportunities for finding new markets and partners. You can use special sites and services that help you find potential clients and partners.


Searching for new markets and partners is a complex process that requires time and effort. However, this can be a good way to overcome the difficulties caused by the crisis and reach a new level of development.



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